Do you know someone who said “I want to be a doctor!” and started out as a pre-med major, only to find out that they faint at the sight of blood? Do you know someone who was great at working on cars, but realized they hated being a mechanic? Many people go into college majoring in something they think they like, but aren’t necessarily good at; many people enter the workforce doing a job they’re good at, but don’t really like. ACP aims to change this and find the perfect fit where students are both good at and enjoy their work.


When students leverage their own interests and abilities, they can enhance their success after high school. Going through the ACP process will allow students to be college and career ready with an arsenal of skills critical to success in post-secondary endeavors, while helping them find post-secondary options that take into account those very interests and abilities.

Get Involved in ACP at Luxemburg-Casco


Education for Employment was established in 1985 in response to the growing concern over the number of youth who failed to make a successful transition from school to postsecondary endeavors. s. 121.02 (1)(m), Wis. Stats., states that every school board shall provide access to an Education for Employment program. Chapter PI 26, the administrative rule for this program, was revised and became effective on July 1, 2004. On June 30, 2013, Wisconsin Statute 115.28(59) was signed to require implementation of academic and career planning (ACP) statewide beginning in 2017-18 for pupils enrolled in grades 6 to 12 in a school district.

It was determined that rather than creating a new rule addressing ACP, the current PI26 would be updated and revised to include the required ACP components.

Learn more about PI 26 on the DPI website


Who am I?

Get to know your interests, skills and strengths. This stage includes:

  • Periodic self-assessment of interests and strengths
  • Reflection and goal-setting
  • Financial knowledge and understanding of resources
  • Academic courses and skill preparation
  • Behavioral and employability skill preparation


What do I want to do? Where do I want to go?

Explore career pathways and education opportunities. This stage includes:

  • Middle School career exploration activities and opportunities
  • High School career exploration activities and opportunities
  • Financial knowledge and understanding of resources
  • World of work and labor market needs
  • Understanding and comparing different postsecondary education and training


How do I get there?

Set your route! Set goals, choose courses, join clubs and activities, obtain financing, fill out applications and write resumes. This stage includes:

  • Planning skills
  • The Middle School plan
  • The High School plan


Do it!

Carry out your plan, and recalculate as needed. This stage includes:

  • Executing your plan
  • Updating the plan with new information and artifacts
  • Conferencing and mentoring
  • Transitioning ACP Components